Tests on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Public Enterprise Testing Center “Omega” is the leading lab in Ukraine performing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing (according to Ukraine, CIS, EU and US normative document requirements). Testing Center Omega has accreditation in ISO 17025.
Highly-qualified specialists performing EMC tests
High degree of training of the technical specialists of Testing Center Omega necessary to carry out EMC tests coupled with up-to-date measuring and testing equipment permits to cope with the most complicated tasks. TC Omega specialists constantly improve their practical skills in EMC testing. We have been performing EMC tests every day since the year of 1968.
Testing equipment and facilities
Testing Center Omega is equipped with modern testing and measuring equipment of the key world manufacturers, such as Rode&Schwarz, Schwarzbeck Mess – Elektronik, Lingren, Agilent, HP, Schaffner and others. This gives an opportunity to carry out tests of products according to the wide list of normative documentation.
Testing Center Omega has:
- Shielded chambers for the conductive radio disturbances measurements in 9 kHz – 30MHz;
- Semi-anechoic and anechoic chambers for radiated radio disturbance measurements and tests in electromagnetic radio frequency field immunity;
- Open test sits for various types of tests in accordance with the requirements of the National, European, regional and international standards (DSTU, GOST, EN, IEC, CISPR, ANSI, RTCM, ED, etc.)
Long-term experience in performing tests
Public Enterprise Testing Center “Omega” performs electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing (according to Ukraine, CIS, EU normative document requirements) of such products as:
- telecommunication equipment;
- radio communication facilities;
- household radio-electronic equipment:
- household and similar electronic equipment;
- low voltage DC and AC power supplies;
- security alarm systems;
- automotive electronics and aerotronics;
- electric tools;
- lifts and other equipment.
- Tests in accordance with the international standards
Testing Center Omega performs tests in accordance with the requirements of the modern international standards, such as EN, IEC, CISPR, ANSI, RTCM, ED, etc.
The reports of EMC tests according to the international standards performed in our laboratory meet the requirements of the majority of counties and regions world-wide and permit to provide access to the effective global marketing.
Dimensions of the products tested
Size and weight of the products tested can considerably influence the organization and performance of the tests. Testing Center Omega has the experience of testing of the products with various sizes and weight (from several centimeters weighing some tens of grams to 19-inch uninterruptible power system (UPS) stand weighing more than 200 kilograms).
Principal EMC requirements
Testing Center Omega has accreditation in the principal EMC Standards applying them daily while carrying out tests.
Most frequently we apply the following standards:
Disturbance emission:
- Capacity, voltage, intensity of the disturbance field CISPR 16 / CISPR 22
- Current harmonic emission IEC / DSTU / EN 61000-3-2
- Voltage fluctuation and flicker IEC / DSTU / EN 61000-3-3
Noise immunity:
- To the electrostatic discharge
- To radio-frequency electromagnetic field IEC/ DSTU / EN 61000-4-3
- To nanosecond pulse disturbances IEC/ DSTU / EN 61000-4-4
- To high energy microsecond pulse disturbances IEC / DSTU / EN 61000-4-5
- To conductive disturbances brought by radio-frequency electromagnetic field IEC/ DSTU / EN 61000-4-6
- To magnetic disturbances of the power frequency IEC/ ДСТУ/ EN 61000-4-8
- To short-term voltage changes of power network IEC/ DSTU / EN 61000-4-11
Tests of the vehicle electrical/electronic feed to the conductive disturbances through power chains and creation of disturbances in the transitional mode GOST 28751 / ISO 7637-2 / ISO 16750-2
Testing program and reports
Testing program (test-plan)
Testing program contains all the procedures necessary to meet requirements of the standards for the equipment. Testing program includes all the data about the object tested and also the criteria and corresponding operating modes during the test. As a rule, testing program contains 10-15 testing parameters, its volume shouldn’t be more than 30 pages. Testing Center Omega offers to draw up all the necessary documents in cooperation with you.
Test report
All the EMC tests performed are described in the test report with photos and necessary data included. Test report is the key document to demonstrate the product conformity to the EMC requirements.
EMC testing for various markets
Access to the Ukrainian market
Performing EMC testing in Testing Center Omega, you meet the requirements to the technical documentation quoted in the Technical Regulations of Ukraine. Test report is an integral part of your technical documentation, being the base for Conformity Declaration and for National conformity product marking.
Technical regulation and standards of Ukraine
EMC testing program for the Ukrainian market is based on the requirements of harmonized Technical regulations and National standards of Ukraine.
We perform EMC testing according to the following Technical Regulations of Ukraine:
- EMC of equipment (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.785 of 29/07/2009)
- Low-voltage electrical equipment safety (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.1149 of 29/10/2009)
- Medical equipment (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.621of 09/07/2008)
- Radio equipment and terminal telecommunications equipment (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.679 of 24/06/2009)
- Marine equipment (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.1103 of 05/09/2007)
- Safety of cars and mechanisms (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.933 of 12/10/2010)
- Lifts (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.465 of 22/04/2009)
- and other
Access to the EU market
Performing EMC testing in Testing Center Omega, you meet the requirements to the technical documentation quoted in the EU Directives. Test report is an integral part of your technical documentation, being the base for Conformity Declaration and for CE product marking.
EU Directives and Standards
EMC testing program for the EU market is based on the requirements of Directives and harmonized standards of Ukraine.
We perform EMC testing according to the following Directives of EU:
- Electromagnetic compatibility (Directive 2004/108/EC)
- Low voltage directive (Directive 2006/95/ЕС)
- Medical devices (Directive 93/42/EEC (2007/47/EC)
- Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment (Directive 99/5/EC)
- Marine equipment (Directive 96/98/EC)
- Machinery (Directive 2006/42/EC)
- and other
Simultaneous access to the several markets
Testing Center Omega offers to consider the requirements of technical documentation for various markets simultaneously while test program building-up. It would permit to optimize the volume of procedures accomplished satisfying all EMC requirements of different countries.
EMC testing for military equipment
Accomplishment of the requirements to military equipment
Testing Center Omega has accreditation for performing EMC tests for military equipment including MIL-STD 461F. There are increased requirements for testing of defence products, so that it can withstand severe loads under the real conditions. Test report is the key document to demonstrate the product conformity to all these requirements.
Specialized testing equipment
The standard requirements for defence products are wide. They involve all the environment conditions, such as electromagnetic environment, temperature, vibration, shock, moisture and other. They contain requirements for testing resistance to electrical discharge, transients from lightning, pulsed and continuous electromagnetic fields, etc.
The product test requires special testing equipment. Duration of EMC test parameters can be from several days to several weeks. The degree of hardness tests (exposure levels) depends on the class of equipment.
Knowledge and experience
Testing Center Omega has been testing defence products for 40 years already (since the moment of its foundation).
Testing Center Omega carries out EMC tests under the following MIL-STD 461F Standard parameters:
- CE 101, conductive radiation of power lines within 30 Hz – 10kHz frequency range;
- CE 102, conductive radiation of power lines within 10kHz – 10MHz frequency range;
- CE 101, conductive radiation of power lines within 30 Hz – 10kHz frequency range;
- CE 101, conductive radiation of antenna input within 10 kHz – 40GHz frequency range;
- RE 102, electrical field emission within 10 kHz – 18GHz frequency range;
- RE 103, interference emission of antennas and input signal harmonics within 10 kHz – 40GHz frequency range;
- CS 101, stability of power lines to the influence of conductive disturbances within 30Hz – 150kHz frequency range;
- CS 114, stability to the influence of conductive disturbances brought in by coil of the cable within 10kHz – 200MHz frequency range;
- RS 103, stability to electric 50dB/m field radiation within 80MHz – 6GHz frequency range.
The possibility of the tests for the other CE, CS, RE and RS tests is given after the request.
Other Services
Environmental Tests
We accredited to perform environmental tests in accordance with the following Standards: GOST 28***-89, КТ160-D, EUROCAE ED-62, EUROCAE ED-14 F, MilitaryStandart-810D, MilitaryStandart-461F, IEC60068 Series etc. Environmental tests includes cold, dry warmth, termoshock, temperature gradient, humidity change gradient, icing-up, salt fog, shock tests, vibration, sand and dust, pressure, waterproof etc.
Radio and Telecommunication Equipment Testing
WE can carry out the product conformity assessment in accordance with the requirements of Technical Regulations including "Technical Regulation for Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment". We have got all the facilities to perform tests for the radio and telecommunications equipment according to the requirements of the R&TTE harmonized standards for European market.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Testing
Our company can provide type testing on behalf of AIS equipment manufacturers worldwide to ensure that the products are able to communicate with any other AIS equipment in use and that the system integrates with marine products such as the communications and navigation systems. Required by IEC61993-2 (Class A), IEC62287-1 (Class B), IEC62320-2 (A to N) etc, which includes EMC, Environmental, Safety, RF and Protocol testing.
Cospas-Sarsat BEACONs testing
We offer to perform search and rescue beacon testing on behalf of Cospas-Sarsat in accordance with requirements of T.001 Specification for Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz Distress Beacons, T.007 Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz Distress Beacon Type Approval Standard, T.015 Cospas-Sarsat Specification and Type Approval Standard for 406 MHz Ship Security Alert (SSAS) Beacons.
Environmental Tests
Radio and Telecommunication Equipment Testing
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Testing
Cospas-Sarsat BEACONs testing
RF Design & Technologies
Our company offers a wide range of electronic Design services in field of Radio frequency (RF) engineering in maritime and aviation areas.
Applying our experience to RF design and manufacturing, we offer PCB engineering and development services to companies within such various industries as telecom, commercial, industrial, aerospace and military.
Our engineering services includes design and manufacturing in range from product concept and PCB design to production, assembly, and testing.
406MHz, 121.5MHz, AIS OEM Card
We offer some solutions ready to be integrated and sold under your trademark or brand. Our technologies can be incorporates into your new products.
We ready to design solution under you specification and custom orders to suit your needs.
We can work together for a delivery solution that best fits your inventory level and cash flow needs.
We have ready 3 channel small PCB - 406MHz, 121.5MHz and AIS that can be intergrated in any product.
We offer special equipment that mainly used by laboratories or manufacturers for quality control in production.
High accuracy professional 406MHz BEACON Tester BT-611M indended to check beacon compliance with the requirements, specified in C/S doc. T.001, T.007. The tester can be succesfully used for Cospas-Sarsat type approval certification process.
AIS-SART Tester Pro Lab Tester is device used for verification of AIS and AIS-SART parameters in real time allowing to analyze main parameters fluctuation in time.
GALILEO REFERENCE BEACON GENERATOR BG-105/102 is high-precision simulator of Cospas-Sarsat emergency beacon messages. It allows to simulate up to five simultaneously operating beacons with messages overlay in time. It gives the capability to run tests on the Galileo and C/S system.