RF Design & Technologies
Our company offers a wide range of electronic Design services in field of Radio frequency (RF) engineering in maritime and aviation areas.
Applying our experience to RF design and manufacturing, we offer PCB engineering and development services to companies within such various industries as telecom, commercial, industrial, aerospace and military.
Our engineering services includes design and manufacturing in range from product concept and PCB design to production, assembly, and testing.
Type approval tests support
Our company has experience in testing marine products for over 15 years on basis of Public Enterprise Testing Center OMEGA, the Conformity Assessment Body.
We can offer complete marine testing service for such products as: Cospas-Sarsat radio beacons, AIS Testing, Radio Communications Testing, Environmental Testing, EMC Testing.
We can provide a remote monitoring service saving you time and money. We can conduct in-house testing for the majority of marine products, testing and certification under one roof. Our services make shorter lead times enabling quicker time to market.
Testing Center 'Omega' is approved by: USA Federal Commission of Communications (FCC), Ministry of Industry of Canada for RSS Standards conformity testing, COSPAS-SARSAT, International Satellite System For Search and Rescue (Canada), U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Australian National Association of Testing Bodies (NATA)
AIS, BEACON, SART, GMDSS Test equipment
Our company offers a range of maritime test devices intended for complex testing of GMDSS Equipment in accordance with IMO and SOLAS requirements.
Our test devices are capable to test automatic identification systems (AIS), AIS-SARTs, all 406MHz Cospas-Sarsat beacons, 9GHz search and rescue transponders (SART), and MF/HF and VHF GMDSS radios with DSC.
Testers are designed for ship surveyors, beacon suppliers, classification societies and administrative authorities.
Our company has developed completely new maritime safety equipment AIS-SART Musson - 502A, which operates in A and B VHF AIS channels.
Also we manufacture float Free Satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) under the IMO requirements for COSPAS-SARSAT system, a mandatory item in the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress Safety System). Certified and type approved.
We have the G-5 Hydrostat is an automatic release device for use with Liferafts, EPIRBs and other equipment. G-5 is activated by increasing water pressure at a depth of 4 meters.
And the AIS Pilot Plug Cable is intended to receive any data from mobile AIS stations Class A or B. It gives the simple way to connect the mobile ship AIS station with Pilot Plug with your PC, laptop or desktop.

ELT Tester & Airborne AIS Reciever Tester
Our company produces the range of devices intended for testing of aviation ELTs and AIS receivers.
406 MHz / 243 MHz / 121.5 MHz ELT TESTER is designed to check the avionics emergency locator transmitters (ELT) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. It provides accurate testing in volume of annual or maintenance requirements or fast check after ELT's encoding or installation in accordance with USA (FAA Part 91.207), Canada (CAR 571 Appendix G), Europe (CAA/EuroCAE) requirements.
The ELT tester can be used for Galileo Search and Rescue equipment service.
Airborne AIS Test Set provide reliable testing of Airborne/Aircraft Automatic Identification System operation. The AIS Test Set is intended for verification of marine and avionics AIS installations. The AIS Tester is specified equipment for radio surveyors, classification societies and administrative authorities. AIS Tester allows to test all type of AIS transponders of any manufacturer.
Aircraft Radio Test Set
The Aircraft Radio Test Set enables functional and verification testing of MF/HF/VHF airborne radio equipment, emergency locator transmitters as well as airborne AIS recievers.
The device is capable of testing the pertinent radio frequency (RF) performance characteristics of a variety of aircraft communications equipment.
We offer service equipment and reliable test solutions for aircraft registry, aircraft surveyors, ELT suppliers, classification societies and administrative authorities.
406MHz BEACON Monitor
It monitors real-time 406MHz distress singals with decoding and positioning.
Used for land and or airborne search and rescue forces to effect immidiate rescue. Help to detect and locate downed aircrews.
406MHz, 121.5MHz, AIS OEM Card
We offer some solutions ready to be integrated and sold under your trademark or brand. Our technologies can be incorporates into your new products.
We ready to design solution under you specification and custom orders to suit your needs.
We can work together for a delivery solution that best fits your inventory level and cash flow needs.
We have ready 3 channel small PCB - 406MHz, 121.5MHz and AIS that can be intergrated in any product.
406MHz BEACON Monitor, GALILEO Reference BEACON Generator BG-105/102, AIS Tester Pro Lab
We offer special equipment that mainly used by laboratories or manufacturers for quality control in production.
High accuracy professional 406MHz BEACON Tester BT-611M indended to check beacon compliance with the requirements, specified in C/S doc. T.001, T.007. The tester can be succesfully used for Cospas-Sarsat type approval certification process.
AIS-SART Tester Pro Lab Tester is device used for verification of AIS and AIS-SART parameters in real time allowing to analyze main parameters fluctuation in time.
GALILEO Reference BEACON Generator BG-105/102 is high-precision simulator of Cospas-Sarsat emergency beacon messages. It allows to simulate up to five simultaneously operating beacons with messages overlay in time. It gives the capability to run tests on the C/S system.