Musson Marine Ltd at METS Trade Show 2016
METS Trade is one of the biggest marine exhibitions of the world. It takes place in Amsterdam.
15th to 17th November 2016 Musson Marine had pleasure to be involved in this great trade show.
We exhibited our testing equipment AIS Tester, BEACON Tester 406 02 and EPIRB Tester 406 Mini which is enabled via Wi-Fi from any mobile device. And we have to say that this last had the biggest attention from the part of engineers, surveyors and dealers from the different parts of the world.
Furthermore, we presented the sample of our newest device – GMDSS Tester MRTS-5, which is under final stage of engineer design now. MRTS-5 is second generation of GMDSS Tester produced in well-proven casing of such devices as AIS Tester and BEACON Tester. It’s going to be the world’s first mobile and hand-held GMDSS Tester.
Surely, we cannot pass by our OEM solutions that we have ready to offer to world’s manufacturers. Musson Marine offers a wide range of electronic design services in field of Radio frequency (RF) engineering in maritime and aviation areas.
As far as our tech team has rich experience to RF design and manufacturing, we offer PCB engineering and development services to apply in telecom, commercial, industrial, aerospace and military areas.
European clients are among our main strategic partners and customers, so we appreciated much the possibility to present our company at European area.
The show was definitely big and we were happy to meet dozens of Marine Solas surveyors from Europe as well as from all over the world. We greatly met our ancient good customers; some of them took opportunity to estimate in real our new products, before ordering them. Others took advantage to make agreement about discounts.
And our realized aim of METS Trade was to show surveyors the real alternative of Futronic Testers. Especially, seeing that Musson Marine Testers are much more simple in operation, light and cost-effective.
So in the last words we would like to say Thank You to all our visitors, also to organizers of the show, and we are looking forward to meet our visitors during next exhibitions that Musson Marine will take part.
Products catalogue
We created a complete range of professional solutions for AIS annual performance tests, EPIRB shore-based maintenance, GMDSS Radios surveys. All our products meets or exceeds all IMO requirements.
It's perfect one-in-one solution to let you pick exactly what you need:
- EPIRB Tester
- AIS Tester
- GMDSS Tester
- EPIRB Tester Mini
- EPIRB Monitoring tool
- EPIRB Simulator
We are very proud to offer you high-end innovative device ready to be used in your products - 406MHz PCB Card. Easy integration, small dimensions, internal GPS, integrated flashligh, low power consumption. Intend for usage in all for using in all types of Cospas-Sarsat devices. COSPAS-SARSAT 406MHz PCB Card is designed for using in all types of Cospas-Sarsat devices, such as PLB, EPIRB, ELT; man over board solutions, MSLS devices (MSLD) and other device combinations according to RTCM 11901.1. We proudly reveal our new 3rd generation EPIRB Tester Mini. EPIRB Tester is operating with any mobile phone or desktop PC by means of Wi-Fi connection. TESTER is third generation device designed to check the maritime emergency radio beacons operating via COSPAS- SARSAT system such as Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRBs). Tests can be carried out in volume of annual test requirements or in volume of shore- based maintenance requirements under IMO resolutions or for fast check after beacon’s encoding or ins 6th – 11th June 2016 Musson Marine exhibited a booth at International Exhibition Posidonia 2016 in Athens, Greece. Over 80 global Information and Communications Technology (ICT) companies participated at Posidonia 2016 this summer. Thus, Musson Marine representatives were pleased to accept numerous guests and to communicate with the old as well as with the recent customers and business partners. The innovative device BEACON T We would like to inform all our clients that Musson Marine Ltd was acquired by Aeromarine SRT in December, 2015. As a part of Aeromarine SRT, Musson Marine Ltd will focus on technical solutions research, new products development, production and technical support. As a parent company, Aeromarine SRT will care about marketing, sales and financial questions. We would like to offer the completely new effective cospas-sarsat solution intended to be used by seaport services, port authorities, rescue marine centers, coast guard rescue centers or GMDSS coordination centers. Cospas-Sarsat Distress Signal Fixed Receiver (hereafter as Sarsat Beacon Monitor 406 – 406MHz emergency radio beacon monitoring system) is intended for 406MHz emergency radio beacon signals reception, decoding and positioning. We proudly reveal our new 406 MHz ELT TESTER which is designed to check the avionics emergency locator transmitters (ELT) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. It's reliable, professional tool. The 406MHz ELT TESTER is specified service equipment and test solution for aircraft surveyors, ELT suppliers. ELT Test Set provides accurate, independent testing in volume of annual test requirements or in volume of maintenance requirements or for fast check after ELT’s encoding or installation in accordance with USA (FAA Part Our company has developed completely new maritime safety equipment AIS-SART Musson-502A, which will be necessary to be installed on every ship after 2011. The AIS-SART Musson-502A operates in A and B VHF channels of AIS (automatic identification system), inspite of standard search and rescue radar transponder operating in 9.2-9.5GHz. The new AIS-SART fully corresponds to IMO, SOLAS and GMDSS requirements. AIS-SART Musson 502A uses the built-in GPS module to send messages with coordinates of distress to near vessels' AIS.
Innovative 406MHz PCB Card
New EPIRB Tester Mini
Musson Marine at Posidonia, 2016
Musson Marine Ltd is acquired by Aeromarine SRT
Sarsat Beacon Monitor 406
New 406MHz ELT Tester
New AIS-SART Musson-502A
AIS, BEACON, SART, GMDSS Test equipment
Our company offers a range of maritime test devices intended for complex testing of GMDSS Equipment in accordance with IMO and SOLAS requirements.
Our test devices are capable to test automatic identification systems (AIS), AIS-SARTs, all 406MHz Cospas-Sarsat beacons, 9GHz search and rescue transponders (SART), and MF/HF and VHF GMDSS radios with DSC.
Testers are designed for ship surveyors, beacon suppliers, classification societies and administrative authorities.
RF Design & Technologies
Our company offers a wide range of electronic Design services in field of Radio frequency (RF) engineering in maritime and aviation areas.
Applying our experience to RF design and manufacturing, we offer PCB engineering and development services to companies within such various industries as telecom, commercial, industrial, aerospace and military.
Our engineering services includes design and manufacturing in range from product concept and PCB design to production, assembly, and testing.
All rights reserved Copyright © Musson Marine Ltd, 2000 - 2025